Saturday, December 28, 2013

EA and Microsoft In Bed Together With Another Game

In an update to my earlier post about Titanfall not being released on the PS4 I have also found out that the first DLC for Battlefield 4 will be a timed exclusive to the XBone. Of course EA gave the same BS reasons as before and it’s all the more reason to boycott these pricks.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Titanfall: Boycott EA and Respawn

If you own a Playstation 4 or haven’t been living in a cave for the last few years, you probably know already that Respawn Entertainment and EA Games will not be releasing their new game Titanfall on the PS4. The stated reason for this is that since Respawn is a new company they want to put all of their efforts into making a quality game for their first outing. They added that trying to write a game for two different consoles would take away their focus on creating such a game. So they refuse to create a PS4 version for this release.

I say BS!

First of all, they are already releasing the title on two different platforms: PC and XBone. Second, the new generation of consoles are the closest together in terms of hardware and software that they have ever been . We are not dealing with the allegedly hard to program for PS3 OS. Both the PS4 and Xbone now use the same x86 architecture that PC’s use. This former disparity was probably the biggest hurdle in the past to porting games from one system to the next. EA also said that it is about “marketing and loyalty”. I’m not sure why they feel such loyalty to Microsoft but read the next paragraph for the real story.

The real reason is that Microsoft paid EA to keep the game exclusive to the XBone.

So what can PS4 gamers do short of buying an Xbox One? Well I’m glad you asked. My plan will actually save you money and stick it to the man. Regardless of how “loyal” EA is to Microsoft they are still a corporation who value profits above all else. My proposal is that PS4 gamers boycott ALL EA games for the foreseeable future. No Madden, NCAA, Mass Effect, Battlefield (let’s face it, BF4 is broken now anyway), Dead Space, etc. Also if you have a blog,Twitter account, Facebook page, whatever, raise your voice about the huge F.U. that EA and Respawn have sent to us.

If we as a buying block refuse to buy EA and Respawn games we can force them to revisit their decision to screw us and maybe we can change their minds. If they signed an exclusivity contract with MS, then tough for them. Maybe next time they won’t be so “loyal” to Microsoft.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

KSP: SatComm Mark-1a

Vehicle: SatComm Mark-1/Angel-1a Booster
Command Module: SatComm 1 (backup)
Stages: 2
Stage 1: 1 LV-T30 Liquid fuel engine w/ FL-T800 and 2 FL-T400 tanks, 2 Rockomax BACC Solid Fuel Boosters
Stage 2: 1 LV-T30 Liquid fuel engine w/ single FL-T400 tank
First Flight: 12/04/2013 CST
Max Alt: 1,700,651 m (orbital)
Max Speed:  2,945 m/s
Total Dist:  Ongoing
Flight Time: Ongoing
The Mark-1a (Angel-1a booster) included struts to increase stability on the pad. Successful orbit achieved on 12/4/13.

KSP: SatComm Mark-1

Vehicle: SatComm Mark-1/Angel-1 Booster
Command Module: SatComm 1
Stages: 2
Stage 1: 1 LV-T30 Liquid fuel engine w/ FL-T800 and 2 FL-T400 tanks, 2 Rockomax BACC Solid Fuel Boosters
Stage 2: 1 LV-T30 Liquid fuel engine w/ single FL-T400 tank
First Flight: 12/04/2013 CST
Max Alt: 664,058 m (suborbital)
Max Speed:  2,945 m/s
Total Dist:  5,650,074 m
Flight Time: 0hr. 53 min.
The first test flight ended in catastrophic failure due to faulty orbital insertion.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

KSP: Mark-2 Long Distance Flight 2

Vehicle: Mark-2 Long Distance Flight 2
Command Module: Mk1 with Mk6 parachute
Engine: LV-T45
Fuel Tank: FL-T800
First Flight: 11/22/2013 5:38 pm CST
Max Alt: 411.7km (ballistic arc)
Max Speed: 2,207m/s
Total Dist: 1.975Mm

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dr. Who turns 50

Well I watched the “Day of the Doctor” last night and I was thrilled. Tom Baker Rules!
The whole status quo of the history of the Doctor seems to have been turned on its head. The fact that Tom Baker shows up as the curator at the end makes me wonder about what actually happens to a Time Lord when he regenerates. Do they go to the Time Lord retirement home? And of course we now know the events of the Last Day of the Time War.

I really wish that BBC America had seen fit to air “The Night of the Doctor” minisode so that I could have seen the events that led to Paul McGann’s Doctor’s regeneration into John Hurt’s War Doctor. I was able to watch it on YouTube, however.

I am glad that Galifrey is finally back on the map, so to speak. I hope that this means more cosmic stories. I like the historical stories, but I’ve always preferred the stories that existed on a universal scale. Superscience is just too cool.

Finally I was so glad to see David Tennant back in his “sand shoes” (as John Hurt’s Doctor calls them). Of the “new” doctors he has always been my favorite.

The episode ends on a suitably epic note. The 13 Doctors all fighting to save Galifrey was spectacular. We even get a glimpse of the new Doctor (or at least his eyes). And something Tom Baker’s character alluded to is that we might get see more previous “Doctors” in the future.

So in the immortal words of the Doctor “Galifrey Stands”. Allons-y !

Friday, November 22, 2013

KSP: Mark-2-A First Flight

Vehicle: Mark-2-A Long Distance
Command Module: Mk1 with Mk6 parachute and SAS
Engine: 3 x LV-T30
Fuel Tank: Jumbo 64 with tricoupler
First Flight: 11/22/2013 10:55 am CST
Max Alt: 1,589,945m (ballistic arc)
Max Speed:  2,754 m/s
Total Dist:  3,611,051m
Flight Time: 1hr. 5 min.
RCS thrusters added. Advanced nav system added. Removed X200-32 tank. Skipper engine removed in favor of three LV-T30's attached with a TVR-300L tricoupler. System was more stable though it had less range. The next goal is a stable orbit. Jeb safely splashed down of the coast.
The RCS did not last the duration of the maiden voyage. It is unclear if this was due to a lack of battery or the need for extra RCS fuel.

KSP: Mark 2 First Flight

Vehicle: Mark-2 Long Distance
Command Module: Mk1 with Mk6 parachute
Engine: LV-T45
Fuel Tank: FL-T800
First Flight: 11/22/2013 5:13 pm CST
Max Alt: 2.9Mm (ballistic arc)
Max Speed:  2,161m/s
Total Dist:  6.34Mm
The Mark-2 was specifically designed to test long distance capabilities. The highest altitude achieved was 2,950,158 m. The total distance traveled was 6,346,158 m. On the surface it would seem that the 2 hour 15 minute flight was a success with Jebediah splashing down safely at the end. However the vehicle is woefully under powered and almost did not make it off of the launching pad. Also the engineers failed to install RCS systems to allow the capsule to maneuver outside of the atmosphere and Jeb was almost lost to the stars.

KSP: First Flight

Vehicle: Mark-1
Command Module: Mk1 with Mk6 parachute
Engine: LV-T45
Fuel Tank: FL-T800
First Flight: 11/21/2013
Max Alt:55km (ballistic arc)
Max Speed: 947m/s
Total Dist: 151km

The first in a long line of test bed vehicles. The Mark-1 proved unstable at mid altitudes. Highest altitude achieved was 49.5 km.

Resulted in a safe splash down for Jebediah Kerman.

Kerbal Space Program: Begin Log

Okay I am probably that last person on Earth that hasn’t bought Kerbal Space Program but I finally have. So now I will keep a “realistic” log of the adventures, advancements, mishaps and tragedies of the tiny green guys and their space program.

KSP go for blast off!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

GTA V: Long Term Wishlist

I have been playing Grand Theft Auto V since day one. It is the only game that I ever preordered and the only one for which I ever bought the Collector's Edition. After over a month of play and even taking in to account the early problems with GTA Online, I have to say that it was $149 well spent.

I was blessed to be around for the $500,000 stimulus package and I just downloaded the “Beach Bum” pack. We still have the Content Creator to go and I am looking forward to that. But what about major dlc’s? What could be on the horizon?

There has been much speculation about possible dlc’s content and locations. Some people are saying that signs point to the Midwestern location known seen briefly in the Story Mode known as North Yankton. Others are postulating the thought of a Las Venturas which was last seen in GTA: San Andreas. But what if we stay in Los Santos? What if Rockstar pulls a page from the Red Dead Redemption dlc, “Undead Nightmare”? Or what if they stick with a theme that they have already laid the groundwork for with the abundance of references to aliens?

This first time I heard of this idea was by MrBossFTW on his YouTube channel. however it makes perfect sense. “Undead Nightmare” was one of the most popular dlc’s ever and with the huge sandbox that is GTA V it offers endless possibilities. However in the same post he also suggested the alien theme. Now both themes have been hinted at so far in GTA V. There is the above mentioned references to aliens. but there is also the zombie that is standing beside one of the movie theaters in Los Santos. Either plan would be great. and since GTA IV had two dlc’s might we see both themes?

One way to look at GTA V and GTA Online is similar to an MMORPG. There is the possibility for constant updates and growth, especially if Rockstar ports the game over to the next gen systems. It might not be a large as World of Warcraft or similar titles, but it could be Mini-Multiplayer Online Game. The fact is I wouldn’t mind seeing these or a return to North Yankton (I love the snowy atmosphere) or even Vice City. It may be that Rockstar can keep GTA V/Online going for the foreseeable future and maybe the game will slowly morph into GTA VI rather than having a major release.

In the meantime I will keep dropping cars from Cargobobs onto my fellow players.

Been Away Too Long

I’ve been away over a year? Wow time flies. Anyway I hope to do better with this blog. Starting today this will again be the site for video games, movies, comic books, software, and whatever other technological and entertainment nonsense I can find.